Quomodo Invidiosulus nomine GRINCHUS Christi natalem Abrogaverit: How the Grinch Stole Christmas in Latin
- Author: Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel
- 4207
- 978-0-86516-420-8
- Paperback
- 64
Quomodo Invidiosulus nomine GRINCHUS Christi natalem Abrogaverit (The Latin version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas) features Dr. Seuss' original artwork and a translation that echoes the love of word play and the rhythmic narrative of the world's best-selling author of children's books. Jennifer Morrish Tunberg and Terence O. Tunberg recreate the enchanting poetry of the English original.
Rena Rhinoceros: Rena the Rhinoceros
- Author: Rose R. WilliamsIllustrator: James Hillyer Estes
- 6994
- 978-0-86516-699-8
- Paperback
- 24
Rena Rhinoceros is the fourth of the four-book "I Am Reading Latin Stories" Series. Each book is independent, but Rena has a few more verb forms than the first three books and explanations for them.
Shock-Headed Peter: in Latin - English - German
- Author: Heinrich Hoffmann
- 5483
- 978-0-86516-548-9
- 109
You'd REALLY better watch out: cautionary tales that will curl your hair, too: in Latin, German, English
Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann's Der Struwwelpeter, the best known German children's book, was first published in Frankfurt in 1845. "Shock-Headed Peter" or "Slovenly Peter" (as it is mostly known in English speaking countries) has conquered the children's book market of the world not only with dozens of translations but also literally hundreds of imitations, adaptations, take-offs and parodies. These "merry stories and funny pictures for children between 3 and 6 years," as Dr. Hoffmann termed them, are cautionary tales, by turns macabre, touching, and wickedly funny. Where else does every recalcitrant child or cruel adult get his or her "deserts," and that within a few pages?
Taurus Rex: King Bull
- Author: Rose R. WilliamsIllustrator: James Hillyer Estes
- 7001
- 978-0-86516-700-1
- Paperback
- Bolchazy-Carducci
- 24
Taurus Rex is the third of the four-book "I Am Reading Latin Stories" Series. Each book is independent, but Taurus has a few more words than do the other two as well as a little more grammar.
Ubi Fera Sunt: Where the Wild Things Are in Latin
- By author: Maurice SendakTranslated by: Richard A. LaFleur
- 8318
- 978-0-86516-831-2
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to announce the arrival of Ubi Fera Sunt, the first Latin translation (by Richard A. LaFleur) of this beloved children's story.
This lively translation faithfully and playfully recasts Sendak’s writing into classical Latin. It includes the beautifully remastered images employed in the fiftieth anniversary edition.
Under His Father's Wing, Marcus de Auguribus Discit
- By author: Emma Vanderpool
- 8768
- 978-0-86516-876-3
Encounter stories of ancient Greek and Roman augurs, special seers who interpreted bird signs—entirely in Latin!
Marcus, a young Roman boy, has been struggling to show his father Titus that he is simply not cut out for life as an augur. Why can’t he seek adventure and glory as a soldier? Titus, in turn, can’t quite get Marcus to understand the importance of augury, especially its role in keeping Roman soldiers safe. Titus has seen the dangers of war firsthand and fears for his son’s future. By telling Marcus stories of legendary Greek and Roman augurs, Titus hopes to convey some tough truths about military life—and why divining the gods’ will is essential. Along the way, he also reveals how augury has been woven into the fabric of Rome’s very existence.
Ursus et Porcus: The Bear and the Pig
- Author: Rose R. WilliamsIllustrator: James Hillyer Estes
- 701X
- 978-0-86516-701-8
- Paperback
- 19
Ursus et Porcus is the first of the four-book "I Am Reading Latin Stories" Series. By illustrations and a simple Latin story using only 35 words it tells of animals in the forest finding friendship and co-operation.
We're Going to the Show
- By author: Christopher Bungard
- 8806
- 978-0-86516-880-0
Encounter ancient Roman comedy—entirely in Latin!
Titus, named after Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus, lives with his parents and sisters on the Aventine Hill in Rome. Without much time for leisure, everyone in the family looks forward to festival days. Titus in particular eagerly awaits the ludi scaenici, special celebrations when plays are performed. But when it’s time to honor Magna Mater, the Great Mother goddess, with a comedy, Titus wakes up late! Can he catch up with his father and sisters and find a seat in time to watch the show?
What Color is it?: Quo colore est?
- Author: Marie Carducci BolchazyTranslator: Mardah B.C. WeinfieldIllustrator: Yana Igorevna Myaskovskaya
- 5394
- 978-0-86516-539-7
- Paperback
- Bolchazy-Carducci
- 64
Color-learning with a new twist: in Latin.
Aided by original artwork and an English translation, children learn the Latin words for a full range of colors: red, yellow, blue, pink, white, gray, black, purple, brown, green. In the process of learning the color words, they also learn words for apple, flower, pet, food, bird, and canary. Finally they get to select their favorite color. The original artwork is charming and creative. A complete vocabulary, with emphasis on derivatives, and pronunciation guide are provided; a recording of the text is also available.
What Will I Eat?: Quid Edam?
- Author: Marie Carducci BolchazyTranslator: Mardah B.C. WeinfieldIllustrator: Michelle Kathryn Fraczek
- 5424
- 978-0-86516-542-7
- 64
Experts recommend that children start a foreign language as early as possible. With this book, a child can start learning Latin at age four. Latin is an excellent foreign language to select. Just ask any lawyer, doctor, scientist, or nurse.
Who Loves Me?: Quis me amat?
- Author: Marie Carducci BolchazyTranslator: Mardah B.C. WeinfieldIllustrator: Michelle Kathryn Fraczek
- 5416
- 978-0-86516-541-0
- Paperback
- Bolchazy-Carducci
- 64
Family love and closeness in Latin, for kids.
Aided by original artwork and an English translation, children learn the Latin words for family members: mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle and aunt (father's brother and sister), uncle and aunt (mother's brother and sister), and cousins. The book begins with "This is a picture of me," and the child gets to draw his image or affix a photo. The original artwork is charming and creative. A complete vocabulary, with emphasis on derivatives, and pronunciation guide are provided; a recording of the text is also available.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…in Latin!: Vere, Virginia, Sanctus Nicolaus est!
- Author: Francis Pharcellus ChurchIllustrator: Matthias Kringe
- 5068
- 978-0-86516-506-9
- 32
"Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?" On September 21, 1897, the minds and hearts of two people met and in that meeting created magic that has survived more than a century.