Emma Vanderpool

Emma Vanderpool

Emma Vanderpool has been teaching Latin since 2017—two years at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, a year at Trickum Middle School in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and now back in her beloved New England at Springfield Honors Academy, Springfield, MA. Vanderpool earned her Bachelor of Arts in Latin, Classics, and History from Monmouth College in Illinois and her Master of Arts in Teaching for Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Among her awards, Vanderpool is the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award from UMASS Amherst (2019) and was honored as the Lincoln Laureate for Monmouth College (2017). She serves on the Executive Board for Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute and the Classical Association of New England and is an organizer for Lupercal. She has self-published nine novellae and is pleased to be an author for Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers— Explore Latin: Aves (2020) and Encounter Latin: Augury Is for the Birds: Marcus de Avibus Discit (2020)

Books by Emma Vanderpool

Augury Is for the Birds

Encounter the ancient Roman practice of augury, or bird divination—entirely in Latin!

Marcus, a young Roman boy, couldn’t care less about birds or their significance, even if they convey the divine will of Jupiter himself! He’d much rather train as a Roman soldier, just like his dad Titus. His dad, however, has other plans: he has arranged for Marcus to learn the ins and outs of interpreting bird signs from skilled augur Lucius. As Marcus finds, deciphering the gods’ plans for the future is hard enough—will he and his dad ever be able to come to an understanding about his own future?


Explore Latin: Aves

Explore the world of birds within an ancient Roman context—entirely in Latin! Using fewer than one-hundred unique Latin words, this Explore Latin reader offers an immersive introduction to the significance of birds in Roman culture and religion. From crows and ravens to eagles and owls, see how these creatures were represented in Roman (and Greek) imagery. Copious color photographs support the Latin text, helping to make information readily comprehensible to novice learners.


Under His Father's Wing, Marcus de Auguribus Discit

Encounter stories of ancient Greek and Roman augurs, special seers who interpreted bird signs—entirely in Latin!

Marcus, a young Roman boy, has been struggling to show his father Titus that he is simply not cut out for life as an augur. Why can’t he seek adventure and glory as a soldier? Titus, in turn, can’t quite get Marcus to understand the importance of augury, especially its role in keeping Roman soldiers safe. Titus has seen the dangers of war firsthand and fears for his son’s future. By telling Marcus stories of legendary Greek and Roman augurs, Titus hopes to convey some tough truths about military life—and why divining the gods’ will is essential. Along the way, he also reveals how augury has been woven into the fabric of Rome’s very existence.
