Reading Livy's Rome is a graded Latin reader designed for college use and to prepare high school students to read sight passages of Livy such as those presented on the high level International Baccalaureate exam. This innovative reader takes students who have learned the essentials of Latin grammar by stages into reading their first extended passages of a Latin author. High-interest readings are drawn from legendary ancient Roman history as told in Books I–VI of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita: Romulus and Remus, Cincinnatus, and more. Readings progress from paraphrases to authentic Livian passages, all annotated but with increasingly fewer vocabulary aids. An appendix of authentic Livian passages is included for all simplified selections.
Special Features
- Simple Latin paraphrases for pre-reading
- Graded Livian Latin passages with same-page glossaries
- English section titles provide context
- Graduated notes on syntax and grammar
- Appendix of authentic Livian Latin for all paraphrases
- Full vocabulary
- 6 black-and-white illustrations

Selections from Livy's Ab Urbe Condita moving from paraphrased passages to un-adapted Latin