Latin for the New Millennium provides students a comprehensive grounding in the full legacy of Latin literature.
LNM Level 3 is designed for all Latin 3 students irrespective of the text they used for Latin 1 and 2. Extensive review materials as well as ample vocabulary and grammar/syntax notes make this text especially student-friendly.
LNM Level 3 builds on the strong foundation of Levels 1 and 2 and provides students an in-depth experience of Caesar, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, and Vergil as well as of the Renaissance writer Erasmus. This text provides students an introduction to unadapted Latin literature and builds their literary analysis skills.
Click to see the Table of Contents for Latin for the New Millennium, Level 3. The Table of Contents gives an overview by chapter that includes:
- Latin readings
- grammar concepts reviewed or presented
- literary terms and figures of speech defined and explained at their first occurrence
Latin for the New Millennium Companion Website this website has additional information about Latin for the New Millennium including a "Teachers' Lounge." The Teachers' Lounge is a forum for teachers using and interested in using Latin for the New Millennium series textbooks, workbooks, and enrichment texts. LNM 3 materials on the Teachers’ Lounge include: test bank (Quia and word doc versions), maps, map activities, English derivative lists for students, derivatives quiz bank (Quia and word doc versions), and items for in-class projection.
Special Features
- background essays that provide literary and historical context for each author
- two historical timelines
- an historical overview of the Late Republic and of the Principate
- a representative sampling of unadapted Latin selections from each author's corpus:
- Caesar 5 readings/75 lines
- Catullus 6 poems/79 lines
- Cicero 8 readings/147 lines
- Vergil 7 readings/146 lines
- Horace 5 poems/76 lines
- Ovid 6 readings/158 lines
- Erasmus 5 letters/77 lines
- Other post-antique writers 2 letters/16 lines-2 poems/25 lines
- Total lines: 799
- initial reading for each author with transitional aids to ease students' adjustment to the author's style
- vocabulary and notes on pages facing the Latin passages
- grammar and syntax review sections with exercises for student practice
- a variety of exercises that give students practice with advanced Latin study expectations: grammar and syntax practice • essay questions for each Latin reading • comprehension questions • scansion exercises
- Latin vocabulary building lessons
- student-friendly Study Tips, By the Ways, and Reminders
- 72 full-color illustrations that are both visually appealing and instructive
- 6 maps that familiarize students with the geography in the Latin meeting
- Latin-to-English glossary
Watch the overview video for Latin for the New Millennium Level 3
Sample pages from the Student Textbook Level 3
These sample pages are PDF documents for viewing only, they can not be printed or copied.
Table of Contents
Foreword, Acknowledgements, and Introduction
Part 1 Introduction to Chapters 1–3
Chapter 1 (Caesar)
Chapter 2 (Catullus)

Latin for the New Millennium Level 3 video overview of the content in this Level 3 Latin textbook from the Latin for the New Millennium series.