This unique text provides a firsthand experience of what was for centuries the universal language of science—Latin. A historical survey sets the context for Latin selections from seventeen authors who wrote in Latin and three whose works were translated into Latin. The anthology of twenty-two science readings in Latin covers eight subject areas from general knowledge selections from scholars like Pliny the Elder and Isidore of Seville to writings on optics from Alhazen and Newton. A brief essay introduces each author while vocabulary, syntax, and contextual notes facilitate reading the Latin passages. Images present the Latin selections as their original readers would have experienced them.
- Authors: Agricola, Alberti, Alhazen, Bacon, Copernicus, de Soto, Euclid, Faventinus, Galvani, Harvey, Isidore of Seville, Kepler, Leibniz, Libavius, Maimonides, Newton, Oresme, Pliny the Elder, Seneca, Vitruvius
- Subject Areas: Architecture and Engineering, Astronomy and Rational Mechanics, Chemistry, Economics, General Knowledge, Mathematics, Medicine, and Optics
Special Features
- Historical survey of science texts in Latin and essays for each author
- Images drawn from original manuscripts, incunabula, and first print editions accompany each selection
- Vocabulary, syntax, and context notes
- Three appendices: The Pronunciation of Latin, A Compendium of Latin Grammar, Manuscript and Original Source Quirks
- Complete Latin-English Glossary

Facsimiles to read online or project for use in your class. Use this link to open the list of available images. Click on the image thumbnail to view full size.
Exercises to Accompany The Latin of Science. Use this link to download the file containing exercises coordinated with the material presented in the chapters of the Compendium of the Latin Grammar presented in Appendix II of The Latin of Science, page 249.
Answers for the Exercises. Use this link to download the file containing the answers for the exercises.