Rome's Golden Poets


With its chronological, cultural, and ethnic diversity of composers, this recording testifies to the timeless power of the Golden Age of poetry. Selections from Catullus, Vergil, and Horace are performed by the St. Louis Chamber Chorus under the direction of Philip Barnes.

Odi Et Amo — Jacob Handl (1550–1591)
Passer Mortuus Est — Gian-Francesco Malipiero (1882–1973)

Vergil Fama, Malum — Josquin Des Prez (c.1455–1521)
Oraculo — Jose Antonio de Almeida Prado (b.1943)
At Trepida Et Coeptis — Jacob Arcadelt (c.1505–c.1567)
Dulces Exuviae — Adrian Willaert (c.1490–1562)
Dulces Exuviae — Jacob Handl
Dulces Exuviae — Josquin Des Prez

Horace Felices Ter — Johann Walther (1496–1570)
Felices Ter — Randall Thompson (1899–1984)
Justum Et Tenacem — Zoltan Kodaly (1882–1967)
Montium Custos — Randall Thompson
O Venus — Peter Cornelius (1824–1874)
Vitas Hinnuleo — Randall Thompson
Rectius Vives — Zoltan Kodaly
Oderunt Hilarem — Jacob Handl
O Fons Bandusiae — Randall Thompson
Principibus Placuisse — Jacob Handl
In Honorem Vitae — Antonin Tucapsky (b.1928)
Ne Forte Credas
Iam Satis
Nunc Est Bibendum
Eheu Fugaces
Tu Ne Quaesieris Old Horatius Had A Farm — Z. Randall Stroope (b.1953)

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