A Handbook of Latin Literature: From the Earliest Times to the Death of St. Augustine

  • Author: H.J. Rose

  • 3170
  • 978-0-86516-317-1
  • Paperback
  • 591

This edition provides complete analyses of all known major works of Latin literature, setting them in their historical context and alongside their contemporaries, rating their relative importance in their own time and in later periods, and exploring their influence on subsequent literatures and Western civilization.

Paperback ix

A Horace Workbook

Latin Literature Workbook Series: These workbooks are a teacher’s dream—providing all the activities and exercises needed to reinforce the careful reading of classical authors in the original. Sets of exercises engage students with the text and lead them to a heightened understanding of the literary, thematic, poetic, and rhetorical accomplishments of the work.


A Horace Workbook : Teacher's Manual

To teach Horace’s intricate, multifaceted poetry is a challenging but rewarding task. A Horace Workbook Teacher’s Manual, has been designed and written by teachers to aid teachers in this endeavor. No mere answer key, this all-in-one teacher’s manual includes the complete student workbook and provides answers directly following each question. The manual is an excellent resource for every teacher from novice to master.


A Latin Epic Reader: Selections from Ten Epics

  • Author: Alison Keith

  • 6862
  • 978-0-86516-686-8
  • Paperback
  • 214

Epic crowned the classical hierarchy of genres, in large part because of the prestige of its subject matter—the establishment and maintenance of divine and human order. In ancient Rome, epic’s significance begins with Ennius, who adaptated Greek dactylic hexameter into Latin, securing the genre’s primacy as a narrative vehicle for celebrating Roman achievements. From these beginnings Latin hexameter was refined in the poetry of Lucretius and Catullus; the form flourished in the hands of Vergil and his successors.

Paperback xxvii+187

A Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone: Lingua Latina Depicta

Designed for Latin students, A Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone asks the learner to make a ready connection between an image and its corresponding Latin word. Illustrated exercises provide an opportunity for students to practice with and internalize the Latin vocabulary.


A Little Book of Latin Love Poetry: A Transitional Reader for Catullus, Horace, and Ovid

  • Author: John Breuker,

  • 6013
  • 978-0-86516-601-1
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
  • 138

Love Poetry Readings for Comprehension and Review
This reader introduces intermediate Latin students to Catullus, Horace, and Ovid. It offers a transition to reading these authors by presenting slightly modified versions of poems before the students read the authentic Latin verse as review. Vocabulary, reading helps, grammar reviews with exercises, and discussion questions are included, as well as sections on metrics, poetic devices and a complete glossary.

Paperback xii

A Little Book of Latin Love Poetry: A Transitional Reader for Catullus, Horace, and Ovid - Teacher's Guide

  • Author: John Breuker,

  • 6366
  • 978-0-86516-636-3
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci
  • 154

The Teacher’s Guide for A Little Book of Latin Love Poetry streamlines class preparation by providing answer keys for discussion questions, exercises, and drills; and literal translations and metrical scansion for all the poems. Ideas for student projects allow the teacher access to proven classroom assessments. It’s like having an experienced colleague just down the hall! The Guide allows busy teachers to concentrate on the things that matter most: what happens in the classroom and what extra attention individual students may need to succeed.

Paperback xii

A Livy Reader: Selections from Ab Urbe Condita

  • Author: Mary Jaeger

  • 6803
  • 978-0-86516-680-6
  • Paperback
  • 140

The appeal of Livy, the great historian of the Augustan age, lies both in his riveting storytelling and in the sophistication, clarity, and accessibility of his prose. Aiming to preserve the memory of Rome's achievements and morally rejuvenate his contemporaries, Livy takes readers on a tour of Rome's past as he thinks deeply about historiography, its uses, and its challenges.

Paperback xxiii+127

A Lucan Reader: Selections from Civil War

  • 6617
  • 978-0-86516-661-5
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci
  • 168

Lucan's epic poem, Civil War, portrays the stark, dark horror of the years 49 through 48 BCE, the grim reality of Romans fighting Romans, of Julius Caesar vs. Pompey the Great. The introduction to this volume situates Lucan as a poet closely connected with the Stoics at Rome, working during the reign of the emperor Nero, in the genre inherited from Virgil.

Paperback xxxiv+134

A Martial Reader: Selections from the Epigrams

  • 7044
  • 978-0-86516-704-9
  • Paperback
  • 225

Martial's more than 1,500 epigrams, published in fifteen books over several decades, have long been valued for the richly varied glimpses they give into the urban landscape in which the comfortable upper classes of Roman society lived at the end of the first century ce. From public bathhouses, latrines, and brothels to private dinner parties with lavish foods and wines, from the amphitheater's violent entertainment and the use and abuse of slaves to coddled lapdogs and parrots who spontaneously exclaim "Hail Caesar!"—all are subjected to Martial's observant eye and witty, sometimes biting commentary. The poems in this volume range from gossip and crude jokes to lofty celebrations of brotherly love and reflections on what makes life livable, illustrating the kaleidoscopic array that is the hallmark of Martial's work.

Paperback xxx+185

A New Latin Syntax

  • Author: E.C. Woodcock

  • 1267
  • 978-0-86516-126-9
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
  • 216

This book gives a historical account of the chief Latin constructions, aiming to equip students to interpret texts as well as to write correct Latin. The index of passages quoted makes it useful as a reference work for teachers.

Paperback xvii+199

A Notebook for Caesar's De Bello Gallico

  • 8261
  • 978-0-86516-826-8
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
  • 208

A Notebook for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico provides students with a system for processing their homework and preparing their Latin assignment for in-class presentation. The complete Latin text for the AP® Latin Exam is triple-spaced to allow plenty of room for annotations. Below the Latin passage, students copy from their textbooks all the Latin vocabulary that they do not know. This changes the process of vocabulary building from one of passive recognition to active recall by creating personalized vocabulary lists for study. The facing page provides two blank lines keyed to the Latin text: one for the students’ home translations and one for corrections students note as the class shares translations. The second line allows students to make adjustments without erasing their mistakes. Doing so encourages students to become reflective learners who analyze and learn from their errors. The section below the translation, entitled “Additional Notes,” keeps class notes together with the Latin passage. At the end of each set of Latin passages from the individual De Bello Gallico books, students keep track of and review the major plot points for what they have read in Latin. Students also construct summaries of the English readings required by the AP® Latin curriculum on pages so designated.

Paperback xx + 188
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