190 vocabulary cards from AP selections from Catullus, bound in book form and printed on perforated cardstock, arranged in three sections by frequency of occurrence: words occurring 15 times or more; words occurring 9–14 times, and words occurring 5–8 times. An easy-assembly box, grammatical supplement (Graphic Latin Grammar cards, not laminated), appendices on meter and rhetorical devices (both from Ronnie Ancona's Writing Passion), and full vocabulary list are also included.
Special Features
- 190 vocabulary cards, on perforated cardstock
- - divided into three groups, by frequency of occurrence: words occurring 15 + times, 9–14 times, 5–8 times
- full Latin vocabulary entry on one side (with macrons, accents, and complete principal parts for verbs and nominative and genitive forms for nouns)
- English meanings plus select derivatives/cognates on the other side
- full-page removable reference cards
- - full AP* selections vocabulary list
- grammatical form summaries, reproduced from Graphic Latin Grammar, for easy reference
- additional quick-reference cards on Meters of the Poems; and Metrical Terms, Tropes or Figures of Thought, and Rhetorical Figures or Figures of Speech
- easily assembled storage box for cards
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Flashcards containing common words in Catullus' text and important Latin grammatical forms