A Greek Reader for Schools

  • Author: W.D. Lowe,
  • Product Code: 2670
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-267-9
  • Pages: 146
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback iv

Reprinted by arrangement with Oxford University Press, this reader is a perfect vehicle for students transitioning from a grammar text to reading adapted Greek. The selections are chosen for their accessibility and facility to encourage a quick reading. Excerpts from Aesop to Plato strengthen reading and translations skills while introducing the intermediate student to key works from the classical Greek canon.

Special Features

  • Adapted readings in Greek from Aesop, Herodotus, Lucian, Plato, Theophrastus, Thucydides, and Xenophon
  • Succinct background for each author and synopses for each Greek reading
  • End notes explain difficult grammar and syntax and identify less familiar verb forms
  • Index of Proper Names
  • Complete Greek-to-English Vocabulary

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