
Press Release

MC students ask 'Do you like green eggs and ham?' in Latin

Release Date: April 9, 2004

MONMOUTH, Ill. — A group of eight Monmouth College students recently performed a bilingual version of the Dr. Seuss classic, "Green Eggs and Ham" for K–3 students at Immaculate Conception Elementary school in Monmouth. The special feature of the performance was that every line was spoken in both English and Latin.

The production was conceived and directed by Carrie Casper, a senior from Tinley Park. English narrators were sophomore Adam Drake of Rockford and freshman Richard Harrod of Annapolis, Md. Latin narrators were senior Michael Fanucce of Oregon and freshman Michelle Anstett of Peoria.

The performance featured two actors who mimed the action of the story along with the English narration. Matthew Katsenes, a senior from Frankfort, played the role of "Sam" and Brian Walgren, a senior from Batavia, played the role of the grouch. During the Latin narration, Casper and Merry Vue, a freshman from Thornton, Colo., held up flashcards with illustrations and Latin words. The play was well received and there are plans to repeat the performance at other local elementary schools.

"The play turned out to be better than I expected, and it was rewarding to see that the students were interested in the language even though they were so young," said Vue. "The application of the English with the Latin looked like it really kept them interested in the play as a whole, and the flashcards helped them to identify words making it easy to learn."

"It was a lot of work to put together, but seeing the smiles on children's faces made it worthwhile," added Katsenes.

Concluded Harrod, "The kids really enjoyed the show. It was fun and a great way to spark interest in the Classics at an early age. Get them while they're young."

Monmouth College's Gamma Omicron chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the national classics honorary society, sponsored the production as a service project designed to promote awareness of Latin among elementary school children. At the society's recent national convention in New Orleans, the Gamma Omicron chapter won an award for outstanding service in the promotion of Classics in 2004.


Courtesy of Monmouth College

Released by the Office of College Communications 
Jeff Rankin, Director of College Communications 
Phone: 309-457-2314 Fax: 309-457-2330 

To arrange an interview with the author or translator, contact Dr. Marie Bolchazy at (847) 526-4344.