The Art of the Aeneid: Second Edition

  • 598X
  • 978-0-86516-598-4
  • Paperback
  • 138

Anderson's narrative in The Art of the Aeneid provides the modern reader fresh insights into Vergil, into the Aeneid. His analysis illuminates the literary and historical context and covers each of the twelve books of one of the greatest and most enduring works of Latin literature.

Paperback vi

The Art of the Odyssey

  • Illustrator: Thom Kapheim

  • 2360
  • 978-0-86516-236-5
  • Paperback
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
  • 120

A literary explication, including a chronology, notes, and suggestions for future reading, this book is aimed at helping the first-time reader more fully appreciate and understand the Odyssey.


The Autobiography of Hercules

  • Author: Paul F. Kirby

  • 1747
  • 978-0-86516-174-0
  • Paperback
  • 136

Hercules, with all the attributes of a classical hero (i.e., virgin birth, danger in childhood, trip(s) to fantastic places, descent to the underworld, thaumaturgy, closeness to a deity, philanthropic orientation, and final death followed by deification) is the subject of Professor Kirby's story developed in the first person to inform and delight all of us interested in this classical hero who represents the universal aspirations of the mortal human race and foreshadows the euhemeristic attributes of Christ.


The Clay-footed SuperHeroes: Mythology Tales for the New Millennium

  • 7192
  • 978-0-86516-719-3
  • Paperback
  • 63

Designed for students unfamiliar with the classical world, The Clay-footed SuperHeroes provides a very accessible introduction to the SuperHeroes of classical mythology including such luminaries as Jason, Theseus, Heracles, Odysseus, and Aeneas. Student and general reader alike will enjoy Williams' wry sense of humor and her appreciation for the improbable. This book is an excellent text of manageable size and complexity for students beginning their study of literature, the humanities, or Latin and Greek. General readers will be pleased to acquire the foundation necessary to understand these stories which have so influenced art and literature through the ages.

Paperback ix

The Comic History of Rome

Beckett's The Comic History of Rome, first published in London in 1852, is now available in a reprint. The author's intent is to combine instruction with amusement. Teachers and students alike will welcome Beckett's humor and witty representation of the great chapters of Roman history from the earliest times to the death of Caesar.


The Door in the Wall

  • 5335
  • 978-0-86516-533-5
  • 249

Political intrigue: a novel on the life of Julius Caesar.

Marcus Caelius Rufus, a young politician, has holed up in a country town in the midst of a bloody and prolonged civil war. Great forces contend for Rome, and Caelius has ties to them all—the charismatic Julius Caesar, his beloved teacher Cicero, the hero Pompey the Great. Which side is he on? He must choose. Now he must reconsider who he is: his childhood and education, his loves and friendships, his complex relationship to Caesar, the man who has come to dominate his life. Before he is done, he will discover the shocking truth about Caesar, about Rome, and about himself. This book is a vivid and exciting read.


The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Myth Revisited

The longing stretch toward the infinite . . . the reluctant embrace of the temporal . . . this is the eternal lot of mankind; this is The Epic of Gilgamesh. Born in the cradle of civilization over 4,000 years ago, literature's first chronicle of man's search for meaning continues to intrigue us with its universal themes


The Epic of Gilgamesh: Second Edition

The longing stretch toward the infinite . . . the reluctant embrace of the temporal. This is the eternal lot of mankind. This is The Epic of Gilgamesh. Our revised 2nd edition of mankind's first epic features a lucid historical and cultural introduction by Dr. Robert D. Biggs, a new interpretive essay on the themes of Gilgamesh by Dr. James G. Keenan and their echoes in other literature, and the ancient world as well as original illustrations.

Paperback lxii

The Essential Euripides: Dancing in Dark Times

This monograph and selective anthology serve to introduce the most immediately accessible and compelling playwright of the ancient Greek theater. The only volume of its kind available, it provides a rich selection of core plays and a substantial introduction to the full scope of the Euripidean corpus.


The Evolution of the Gilgamesh Epic

  • 5467
  • 978-0-86516-546-5
  • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishsers Inc.
  • 384

The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the world's oldest known epics—it predates Homer by several centuries and is recognized as seminal to the cultural history of the Ancient Near East. Interpretation and decipherment of the story of Gilgamesh—fragmentary and contradictory as its several variants are—has been a monumental scholarly task, spanning more than a century . . . until Jeffrey Tigay teased out the epic's evolution. In this volume, Tigay traces the development of the composition of The Gilgamesh Epic over nearly two millennia and through the several languages in which it has been transmitted. The result is a study both comprehensive in breadth and impressive in methodology. The author breaks from his scholarly predecessors in relying on documented textual evidence rather than on critical analysis and hypotheses.


The Exile of Aeneas

You are Aeneas, Troy's preeminent hero. Your loyalty and integrity are legendary. Will your values hold firm after the destruction of your city, a grueling exile, and yet another war?

Paperback x

The Hero and the Sea: Patterns of Chaos in Ancient Myth

  • 5084
  • 978-0-86516-508-3
  • Paperback
  • 208

Ancient myths about watery chaos uniquely transcend time and culture to speak to the universal human condition as expression to the hopes, aspirations and fears that have defined—for ancient thinkers as well as modern scientists—what it means to be human in a chaotic world.
