I have fought the good fight - Greek
- P27
- P27
- Button
This Valentin de Boulogne painting, Saint Paul Writing His Epistles, from Houston's Museum of Fine Arts, is paired with a line from St. Paul.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.: Knowledge itself is power
- P5
- P5
- Button
An open book lies behind this quote, possibly from Sir Francis Bacon.
Know thyself - Greek
- P30
- P30
- Button
This quote from Thales is paired with an image of the remains of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Latin and Greek Quotes the Complete 30 Button Set
- Button
Order a COMPLETE Set of 30 buttons! These redesigned full color buttons make great classroom prizes or Latin Club fundraisers.
Latin Picture Dictionary for Everyone Teacher's Guide
- 8555
- 978-0-86516-855-8
This text provides busy teachers with resources to facilitate the incorporation of active Latin in their classrooms.
Latin Proverbs: Wisdom from Ancient to Modern Times
- Translator: Waldo E. Sweet
- 5440
- 978-0-86516-544-1
- Paperback
- Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- 278
For the coffee table or the reference shelf: a large collection of sayings in Latin.
A collection of 1,188 quotations in Latin and translated into English. Approximately 100 authors, ancient to contemporary, are represented, as well as quotations from the Bible, state and institutional mottoes, and legal phrases.
Learn through sufffering - Greek
- P28
- P28
- Button
This image of Laocoon from the Pio Clementino Museum at the Vatican is fitting behind this Aeschylus quote.
Make haste slowly - Greek
- P26
- P26
- Button
The image of this mosaic from the House of the Trident in Delos has, since antiquity, illustrated this oxymoronic adage.
Mendax: A Latin Card Game
- Author: Jocelyn Demuth
- 5300
- 978-0-86516-530-4
- Shrink wrapped cards
- Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Mens sana in corpore sano.: A sound mind in a sound body
- P10
- P10
- Button
The Pseudo-Athlete of Delos, from the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, illustrates this line from Juvenal.
Modus omnibus in rebus: Moderation in all things
- P3
- P3
- Button
An Athenian tetradrachm provides the background for this quote from Plautus.
Nihil est...simul et inventum et perfectum.: Nothing is simultaneously both conceived and perfected
- P7
- P7
- Button
A bust of Cicero in the Capitoline Museums is behind this line from Cicero.