Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto: I am a human being; I consider nothing human alien to me
- P21
- P21
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Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, found in the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, is behind this quote by Terence.
I have fought the good fight - Greek
- P27
- P27
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This Valentin de Boulogne painting, Saint Paul Writing His Epistles, from Houston's Museum of Fine Arts, is paired with a line from St. Paul.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.: Knowledge itself is power
- P5
- P5
- Button
An open book lies behind this quote, possibly from Sir Francis Bacon.
Know thyself - Greek
- P30
- P30
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This quote from Thales is paired with an image of the remains of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Latin and Greek Quotes the Complete 30 Button Set
- Button
Order a COMPLETE Set of 30 buttons! These redesigned full color buttons make great classroom prizes or Latin Club fundraisers.
Learn through sufffering - Greek
- P28
- P28
- Button
This image of Laocoon from the Pio Clementino Museum at the Vatican is fitting behind this Aeschylus quote.
Make haste slowly - Greek
- P26
- P26
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The image of this mosaic from the House of the Trident in Delos has, since antiquity, illustrated this oxymoronic adage.
Mens sana in corpore sano.: A sound mind in a sound body
- P10
- P10
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The Pseudo-Athlete of Delos, from the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, illustrates this line from Juvenal.
Modus omnibus in rebus: Moderation in all things
- P3
- P3
- Button
An Athenian tetradrachm provides the background for this quote from Plautus.
Nihil est...simul et inventum et perfectum.: Nothing is simultaneously both conceived and perfected
- P7
- P7
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A bust of Cicero in the Capitoline Museums is behind this line from Cicero.
Non est ad astra mollis e terris via:The trip from the earth to the stars is not an easy one
- P6
- P6
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Seneca's words work well with this photograph of the Eagle nebula, "Pillars of Creation," captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
Non omnis moriar: Not all of me shall die.
- P22
- P22
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The name of the poet resides in this ceiling mosaic from the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.