This reader eases students into reading continuous, original Homeric Greek. Fifteen passages from the Iliad are included with pre-reading materials, grammatical and comprehension exercises, vocabulary and grammar notes, and more.
Homer: A Transitional Reader moves students with incipient proficiency in reading Attic Greek into the Greek of the Homeric poems. Fifteen selections from the Iliad progress through readings of graduated increasing length. Each selection begins with a reading that has metrical and dialectical challenges resolved. A set of thought questions and the unaltered text with literary and metrical notes and vocabulary glosses follow. Post-reading questions encourage students to delve into fuller understanding and appreciation of what they've read.
Special Features
- Introduction to Homer and to dactylic hexameter
- Greek text (15 selections totaling 271 lines) with notes
- Grammar review and exercises
- Second, unaltered text with vocabulary and literary and metrical notes
- Questions for thought
- Glossary of Figures of Speech and Glossary of Significant Names
- Vocabulary

The Iliad of Homer : The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature