A Little Book of Latin Love Poetry: A Transitional Reader for Catullus, Horace, and Ovid

  • Author: John Breuker,
  • Product Code: 6013
  • ISBN: 978-0-86516-601-1
  • Publisher: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
  • Pages: 138
  • Availability: In stock
Paperback xii

Love Poetry Readings for Comprehension and Review
This reader introduces intermediate Latin students to Catullus, Horace, and Ovid. It offers a transition to reading these authors by presenting slightly modified versions of poems before the students read the authentic Latin verse as review. Vocabulary, reading helps, grammar reviews with exercises, and discussion questions are included, as well as sections on metrics, poetic devices and a complete glossary.


Newspaper Clipping of authors [Breuker and Weinfeld], click to view PDF of article.


Special Features

  • Selections from 6 poems of Catullus (51, 43, 86, 5, 70, 8), 3 poems of Horace (Odes 1.23, III.9, III.26), and 2 poems of Ovid (Amores 1.5 and 1.9), first modified, then in authentic Latin
  • Opposite-page Vocabulary and Reading Helps
  • Questions on Analysis and Comprehension of the Latin Text, and on Literary Analysis and Discussion
  • 13 Rapid Reviews with exercises on key points of grammar and syntax
  • 2 Major Reviews with drills on infinitives and participles
  • Final Unit Review encourages re-reading of all poems in unmodified form, with notes on Textual Matters and Points to Ponder
  • 4 Appendices on Timelines for the 3 poets, Poetic Devices/Literary Terms, Metrics, Latin Grammar and Syntax
  • Bibliography
  • Glossary of Proper Names
  • Full Latin-English Vocabulary

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