This Latin reader offers 14 selections from the works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, orator, statesman, philosopher, and man of letters, who lived (106-43 BCE) during the final generations of the Roman Republic. Passages have been selected from Cicero's orations, his rhetorical and philosophical writings, and his letters. Each of the passages (which vary in length from 25 to 60 lines) has a detailed commentary, explicating grammatical, syntactical, and historical points of interest.
Selections (total approximately 600 lines) include: De inventione 1.1; In Catilinam 2. 22-25; Pro Archia 12-16; De amicitia 19-23; Pro Sestio 45-46; De oratore 1. 16-20; Pro Milone 24-29; De officiis 1. 134-137; Brutus 1-9; Letters: Ad Familiares 14.1; Ad Q. Fratrem 2.4; Ad Familiares 16.4; Ad Familiares 14.18; Ad Familiares 14.20
The volume also contains an introduction, a full vocabulary, a chronological table of important dates and events in Cicero's life, three maps, and a bibliography. Illustrations may also be included.